Saturday, August 31, 2019

Literature Review: Effective Role of Interest Groups on the American Electorate

Weese 1 John DeWeese PS 372 Leising 15 October 2012 Literature Review It is apparent that interest groups have evolved over time with the changing nature of the American political system. We know that regardless of the beneficiary or detrimental effect they may have on our democracy, that they do play specific roles in policy formation, the election process, and voter identification and turnout.This section seeks to examine the positive and negative characteristics and theories that exist in accordance with interest groups, show defined areas of inconsistencies within those theories, and provide insight into new theoretical criteria for the study of the political effectiveness of interest groups in the American democratic system. We know from the literature that the main goal of interest groups is to exercise their power in order to gain political benefits (prenhall).Dominant interest groups within the United States are mainly economical and occupational, but there are several variet ies of minority groups, ideological groups, religious groups, etc. †¦ In comparing the roles of interest groups over time, the literature found that the efforts of interest groups over the past few decades have become far more significant, as they have become more involved in the political process through the use of political action committees (prenhall).This verifies that interest groups have played a major role in the election process over the past DeWeese 2 few decades, as well as the fact that they have highly influenced voter identification through either specific interests or public interests. Some key characteristics defined in the literature, when assessing the effectiveness of these interest groups, were the current status of a given society at a certain time, the typology of the interest group, and the cost and benefit factor associated with them.In relation, each of these key concepts for measuring interest groups directly affects one another. In a study conducted fr om the literature, it clearly shows an exceptional rise in the number of consumer and child welfare interest groups from the years 1900-1980 (Imig 262). Based on this information, we can see that the changing social environment has brought about a rise in special, consumer interest groups that are far more concerned with maximizing their income, while minimizing their costs.Based on the empirical evidence provided in the literature, we can examine the different existing theories on the roles of interest groups on public policy and the election process. First, â€Å"the interest groups promote debate and discussion, thus creating a better uniform and more educated electorate, and improving the quality of public policy (Mazingaizo). † Interest groups do seek to involve their major issues heavily during general elections, when those issues will be at the forefront of political debate, thus exercising their power on the response of certain candidates.A similar theory expressed in the literature contends that, â€Å"many voters’ interests and concerns are deeply affected by public policy, and hence citizens seek to represent their views more frequently and on more issues than the electoral process can accommodate (Etzioni 182). † Therefore, it is the interest groups that can provide such representation. Both of these theories examined DeWeese 3 in the literature are uniform, in that they see the roles of interest groups as beneficial to the election process and policy formation.In contrast, another existing theory within the literature states that, â€Å"While public interest groups provide an important type of representation otherwise absent from decision making forums, public interest groups gain and lose influence in a highly constrained context (Imig 266). † In comparison to the other theories, this theory suggests that we would be more beneficial to look at the development of interest groups in relation to the political context of s ociety, rather than trying to explain the American political system as a dependent variable of public interest.The literature explains that public interest groups ultimately oppose the natural ideal of a democracy, and have contributed to the political decay and deinstitutionalization of America. Based on the studies and graphs presented here, this theory is supported by a greater amount of empirical data, yet as we have learned, political science is not one strictly based on raw data and finite materials. So, after examining just a few theories found throughout the literature, we have observed certain similarities and inconsistencies regarding the beneficial nature of interest groups.The literature was consistent throughout in stating that interest groups change and evolve with the changes in the social environment, yet there were inconsistencies in the positive and negative nature these groups play. There were also inconsistencies in the literature based on different forms of inte rest groups. Where some of these theories examined single interest groups, constituent-represented interest groups, and public interest groups, others focused only on the overall spectrum of public interest DeWeese 4 groups.This creates a problem when attempting to explain how the roles of interest groups are affecting the election process, and voter identification and turnout, as it exists currently. Therefore, it is my belief that we should further examine the views based on the interest groups affecting the political environment in the short term, since that is the true question we are trying looking to find. Though the literature has provided us with a solid framework of theories and evidence so far, it is lacking in evidence from the perspective of the voter.So much concern has been placed on the cause and effect of interest groups driving policy, yet I believe it would be beneficial to further examine the impression a voter has in relation to the importance of interest groups when deciding which candidate or party to side with. Furthermore, it raises the question of whether or not it’s interest groups that are influencing voters in order to gain their political goals, or if they are exercising their power on the politicians, in return for their constituency’s support?Also, it would be beneficial to examine the relationships between interest groups and the administrative, legislative, and judicial branches in comparison to one another. The literature that has been examined contains so much information that is quite difficult to break it down into concise points, yet I feel that by researching this topic, we will gain a more transparent understanding of how and why politicians are elected, why they make some of the decisions they do, and the mental logic behind what our fellow citizens are thinking when they cast a vote on election day.I am not saying that the political role of interest groups will explain this entire phenomenon, but I do bel ieve they play a very important role in shaping some of these key issues in our current political DeWeese 5 system. Based on what we know, and what we will find, it will then be up to us to decide whether or not these groups exercise a positive or negative effect on our society. Works Cited Etzioni, Amitai. â€Å"Special Interest Groups Versus Constituency Representation. † Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change.Vol. 8 (1985): 171-195. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. Imig, Douglas R. and David S. Meyer. â€Å"Political Opportunity and the Rise and Decline of Interest Group Sectors. † Social Science Journal. Vol. 30. 3 (1993): 253-270. Web. 8 Oct. 2012. Mazingaizo, Tendai. â€Å"Do interest groups have positive or negative influence on the outcome of US elections? † blogspot. 17 Aug. 2009. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. â€Å"Political Parties and Interest Groups: Chapter Overview. † Prenhall. Pearson Education, Inc. (1995-2010). Web. 11 Oct. 2012.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Importance of Being Earnest Essay

The Importance of Being Earnest is a serious comedy about trivial matters The Importance of being Earnest is a play that satirizes the Victorian upper classes. In the play, Oscar Wide makes fun of the upper class in many ways. Most commonly, Wilde does this by using comic irony, humor, and witty statements. However, if we look deeper into the text, a lot of the trivial matters characters discuss have a serious side to them. Wilde uses these matters to satirize the Victorian upper even more. The seriousness of death is taken light-heartedly in the play. Rather than associating death with sadness and suffering and grief Jack and Algy portray death as a method of conveniently eliminating unwanted people, whether imaginary or not. When Algy confesses that Bunbury is â€Å"Quite Exploded† something comical arises – however, his amusing phrase also has some serious implications. Although at first the fact that Bunbury has exploded may be hilarious, it is also shocking to some of the characters in the play, as Bunbury was â€Å"supposed† to be very close to Algy. Furthermore, Algy talks about his death so lightly, that it makes it seem as if Algy couldn’t care less about losing a close friend. The worst part about the way Algy communicates Bunbury’s death, is that he never admits that Bunbury never existed and lies to all the characters who felt truly sorry for Bunbury. Jack also tells Algy, â€Å"If Gwendolen accepts me, I am going to kill my brother† because â€Å"Cecily is a little too much interested in him. † Another trivial moment is when Jack admits to smoking in front of Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell’s replies with: â€Å"Every man should have an occupation of some kind†. Although the audience may laugh at this moment, Wilde shows how the Victorian upper class had absolutely no work to do – and therefore categorized smoking as an occupation. Cucumber sandwiches also are also used to criticize the British upper classes. â€Å"No cucumber sandwiches! † shows the absurdness of the upper classes. The scene and dialog is certainly comical, however, it shows how dramatic and over- the –top the British upper class was. Moreover, in the Victorian Era, The Importance of Being Earnest was watched by middle classes as well was the upper class; the scene must have told the Middle classes a lot about the upper class, especially when they were dramatizing trivial matters like not having cucumber sandwiches. The Name â€Å"Earnest† is also very important in the play, as this too is an example of triviality and seriousness. Gwenolden states that her â€Å"ideal has always been to love some one of the name of Ernest†. Cecily says she pities â€Å"married woman whose husband is not called Ernest. † The name Earnest in itself is a very trivial thing. Although the name Earnest â€Å"inspires utter confidence† Wilde makes fun of the fact that both Jack and Algy are very unhonest men. A name does not define the person’s personality or values, however the triviality of the name Ernest is taken out of proportions and treated very seriously in the play. In conclusion, Wilde satirizes the Victorian upper class by making fun of their trivial matters that they treat seriously. Wilde almost swaps seriousness and triviality around so that serious issues are treated trivially and trivial issues are treated seriously. Although back in 19th Century the Victorian classes may have found the play hilarious, today we have a broader view and are able to understand Wilde’s message about the Victorian upper classes more. In fact, Wilde originally subtitled The Importance of Being Earnest â€Å"A Serious Comedy for Trivial People† but changed that to â€Å"A Trivial Comedy for Serious People†. – Isn’t that the same thing though?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Abraham Lincoln Essays - Lincoln Family, Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln Cinder26 On the stormy morning of Sunday, February 12, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, wife of Thomas, gave birth to a boy. He was born on a bed of poles covered with corn husks. The baby was named Abraham after his grandfather. In 1811 the Lincolns moved to a farm on Knob Creek which was also near Hodgenville. In 1811 or 1812, Abraham's younger brother, Thomas, died in infancy. Abraham spent a short amount of time in a log schoolhouse. He began to learn his ABC's from a teacher named Zachariah Riney. He attended school with his sister, Sarah. Late in 1816 the Lincoln family moved to southern Indiana and settled near present day Gentryville. A cabin was constructed near Little Pigeon Creek. It measured 16 X 18 feet, and it had one window. Abraham's mother, Nancy, passed away on October 5th, 1818, she died of milk sickness. In 1819, Abraham would barrow books from his neighbors to read. In 1821 Abraham attended school taught by James Swaney for about 4 months. Also in 1824 Abraham attended school taught by Azel Dorsey. In 1827 Abraham's sister, Sarah died giving birth to her son. In 1831, Lincoln decided to leave his family and go off on his own. In July he moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he boarded at Rutledge's tavern and became acquainted with the owner's daughter, Ann. New Salem was a frontier village consisting of one long street on a bluff over the Sangamon River. On August 6th, 1832 Lincoln was defeated while running for the Illinois State Legislature. Lincoln began to operate a general store in New Salem along with William F. Berry. Again, In 1834, Lincoln ran for the Illinois State Legislature, but this time he was elected. During the summer, John T. Stuart advised Lincoln to study law. On December 1 he took his seat in state government in Vandalia. In 1837 Lincoln, 28, was admitted to the Illinois Bar on March 1, and he moved to Springfield on April 15. He became a law partner of John Stuart and lived with Joshua Speed. Lincoln now had income from a law practice as well as a state legislator. November 4,1842 Lincoln married Mary Todd. The first son of the Lincolns, Robert Todd, was born August 1, 1843 at the Globe Tavern. In 1844 Abraham and Mary purchased a home from Dr. Dresser in Springfield for $1500. It was located at the corner of Eighth and Jackson. The family moved in on May 2nd. In 1849 Lincoln failed in his attempt to be appointed commissioner of the General Land Office, and he returned to a full time law practice in Springfield as his term in the House of Representatives had expired on March 4th. On March 7th he was admitted to practice law before the United States Supreme Court. In 1850 Lincoln's son, "Eddie," died on February 1. His third son, William Wallace was born on December 21st. The fourth and last son of the Lincolns, Thomas, was born on April 4th, 1853. In 1858 Lincoln was nominated by the Republicans to run for the U.S. Senate against Stephen Douglas. He gave his famous "House Divided" speech. The Old State Capitol in Springfield where Lincoln gave the House Divided speech. During the summer, Lincoln and Douglas engaged in a series of 7 debates throughout Illinois. On November 2nd Douglas won the election. On May 18th, 1860 Lincoln was nominated for President at the Republican National Convention in Chicago. On November 6th Lincoln was elected President over 3 opponents (Stephen Douglas, John Breckinridge, and John Bell) winning 39% of the popular vote but nearly 60% of the electoral vote. On January 1st, 1863 the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves in the rebelling areas, took effect. On March 3rd Lincoln approved the first draft law in U.S. history. In early July the Union won two major battles at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. In 1864 Lincoln nominated Ulysses S. Grant as the first full lieutenant general since George Washington. Grant assumed his role as General-in-Chief of Union armies. Lincoln received the Republican nomination on June 8th to run for a 2nd term as President. Andrew Johnson was his Vice-presidential running mate. On November 8th he easily defeated Democrat

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

4G Wireless Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

4G Wireless Networks - Essay Example Two major cellular service providers of USA, AT&T and Verizon will be addressed specifically for case study purpose. Comparison and Contrast between 3G and 4G Objective of this section is to compare and contrast 3G and 4G communication with respect to four specific areas, e.g., service and application, network architecture, data throughput and user perceptions. 3G providers are currently offering services like Code Division Multiple Access, CDMA, Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS), and Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM). On the contrary, 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) developed the 3GPP Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standard for 4G services which is commonly known as 4G LTE(Kuran & Tugcu, 2007). From application perspective, 3G provided the users the luxury of multimedia streaming. 4G added more amenities on top of that, including high definition (HD) services for audio-video conference, and online television via smart phone. Such differences in ser vice and applicability are primarily emanated from the network architecture of these two technologies, also from associated upload and download speed. 3G network is based on wide area cell; on the other hand, 4G integrated Local Area Network (LAN) with such wide area architecture. Consequently, data throughput rate for these two technologies also varies significantly. While 3G is offering up to 3.1 mbps with a bandwidth of 5 – 20MHz; data throughput rate for 4G networks is 3 to 5 mbps but potentially estimated at a range of 100 to 300 mbps with a bandwidth of 100MHz (Kuran & Tugcu, 2007) . Whatever the services and other application are, the most important aspect of any wireless service provider is the user feedback. As of yet, 3G wireless network has a broader coverage than 4G network. Therefore, 3G network enjoys the benefit of being readily available to the user. People are happy with 3G performance because it is the upgrade of 2G technology. The users accustomed to the slower connectivity of 2G, are certainly happy with this upgraded version. In this era of technological advancement, until user gets the flavor of new upgrade, he/she always compare the available technology with previous alternative that is why new technology always prevails. Yet now, in case of audio listening or video streaming, 3G did not receive too many complains and these users will not feel the differences between 3G and 4G that much. However, with time and increasing 4G coverage, things may change radically. Differences between Different 4G Communication Varieties As 3G and 4G are different in many ways, there are also distinguishable differences among different types of 4G network services e.g., 4G LTE, 4G WiMax, and 4G WiBro. 4G LTE is the oldest version of 4G wireless which offers 100 Mbps for downloads and 50 Mbps for uploads in ideal scenario(Evans & Baughan, 2000). However, in USA maximum speed provided by 4G LTE is 18.6 Mbps for download and 9.0 Mbps for upload by A T&T. Fixed WiMax, stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, can provide speeds of up to 75 Mbps and Mobile WiMax offering speeds of up to 30 Mbps (Fu et al., 2010). Although, service provider sprint in USA showed download speeds of 3-6 Mbps and upload speeds of 1 Mbps (Sprint, 2013). Wireless Broadband, Wibro, provided by

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Managing communication,knowledge and information Case Study

Managing communication,knowledge and information - Case Study Example Contrarily informal information has no definite format. It is not structured. Telephone calls, notice boards, memos, notes etc. are most common types of informal information. Knowledge can be stated as the useful insight and wisdom which gets developed from the processed information (Bazerman and Chugh, 2006). Knowledge can be essentially of two important types, namely tactic and explicit. Tactic knowledge is found through the companies own vision, experience, practice, values, thinking and perceptions. While on the other hand explicit knowledge is largely found existing in documents and other recorded forms. It is highly formalized and codified. Such knowledge can be recorded in different artifacts, books, records, patents and database etc. The spiral conversation is a model which interlinks socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. The model states that communication moves from being tactic to explicit and vice-versa in a spiral or revolving form. Hence it is understood that for explicit knowledge to exist, the tactic knowledge must be generated. Similarly, tactic knowledge derives out of explicit knowledge. Classic badges can make use of the system by incorporating a systematic conversation technique which transforms tactic into explicit knowledge and the reverse. In case of Classic badges, for making their business successful, timely information from customers in respect of demand is essential. This would require suitable communication channels which would transmit information within less time. Also, suitable information channels must be established with suppliers of materials (Robbins and Judge, 2013). From the procured information, organizations are required to establish rational connections exercising their skills and understanding and formulate knowledge base which guides in taking crucial decisions. In case of Classic Badges, the timely information in respect to demand and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysis of Decker Repairs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Analysis of Decker Repairs - Essay Example An enterprise-wide system (ERP) can be developed so as to capture the different modalities of the business and integrate into one big system. A proper relational database must be also established to take care of the information which needs to be dealt with. 2. The problem of recording the customer service info is telephonic based which can be problematic with respect to phone line busy due to traffic, phone line damages which hinder loss of customers and requirement of many front desk personnel to handle it. Solution: A web-based system (Client-Server Model)can be developed for the customers to browse the service required and the request can be placed accordingly. It cuts down all phone barriers and traffic at the service provider’s end to record the requests. Solution: The service bill can be delivered online after the customer confirms the service request to be closed. After that, the payment is made online and feedback is sent out. The online payment system can be implemented for customer ease. The DSS will capture all the processes currently occurring in an organization and make decisions on the basis of that. From the time of creating a service request and to the final obtaining of the feedback of the customer, it will cater to all. The internal processes also need a good management. The training of the technicians and the job of scheduling and routing can be managed and tracked well using the system. The DSS employed here will be acting as a system as a whole which will further modularize itself into subparts to handle the internal and external entities effectively. The interaction among the various processes needs to be closely monitored and taken care well and DSS is fit to handle it. Â  

Information Systems - UPS Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information Systems - UPS - Case Study Example Aside from being able to communicate better with other UPS staffs and its global business partners, the use of a highly reliable networking technology made it possible for UPS to create competitive advantage by allowing its customers track down the status of their packages. To improve the efficiency of its delivery services, UPS decided to invest in networking technologies such as wireless LANs, latest scanners, GPS, wireless Bluetooth connection worldwide, WiFi technology, PDAs, mobile phones, and Ethernet among others. Using these technologies, UPS was able to integrate information concerning its trucking system, ship-based and airplane shipments. It is said that UPS sends the information coming from the scanned labels using Bluetooth devices to allow the retransmission to wireless LAN. The problem with using the Bluetooth technology is that errors may occur in the ACL packet (Olenewa 173). In case the UPS staff has failed to retransmit the data, there is a risk wherein certain information will not be integrated together with the entire UPS package tracking information that is supposed to be available worldwide. Often times, error connection using the Bluetooth devices can either be classified as the ‘1/3 rate Forward Error Correction (FEC)’, the ‘2/3 rate Forward Error Correction (FEC)’, and the Automatic Retransmission Request (ARQ)’ (Olenewa 173). Specifically the use of Bluetooth can lead to security problems such as virus attacks (Oates) or disclosure of private information (Laurie and Laurie). On top of security concerns, it is important to take note that Bluetooth devices are dependent on the use of battery (Olenewa 173). In the absence of charger, UPS staff will not be able to send out important data on a timely basis. To avoid communication and coordination problems, UPS staff should be trained on how to handle cases related to security problems and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Logistics Technologies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Logistics Technologies - Research Paper Example Military logistics is critical in the battlefield for the army to accomplish their strategies. The success of any military operation depends on the organization of its logistics, which acts as the backbone in any military operation. During the 1812 War and during World War II involving the Third Reich’s Sixth army, â€Å"the enemies severed their logistical capabilities on their march to Moscow, making them vulnerable and easy prey for the Russians who laid in wait† (De Rosario et al, 2009). The armies ran out of water, food, ammunitions and fuel, with the Russian winter making the situation much worse. Due to the great distances involved, there was no communication among the various commanders on the ground and from their command base, thwarting any efforts of coordinated operation. Consequently, in the spring season, â€Å"the armies could not adequately resupply their diminishing stocks and greatly lowered their resistance against a much stronger advancing Russian U ranus forces† (De Rosario et al, 2009). There was communication breakdown as the entire army network was broken; generally, the failure was because of poor logistics planning in establishing the relationship between intelligence in the war, operations needed and the logistical issues that facilitate communication. Military operations are solely dependent on the logistics laid down to support the operation. It follows that to enhance reliability and effectiveness in military operations, integrating technology in the logistic process is a critical aspect to consider in any military related logistic process. Logistics is critical to the functioning and success of any army operation. Any change in the operation strategies has to affect how such changes have to be supported. Technology is currently the single most important aspect in ensuring smooth army operations and great support, leading to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Turkey from 1800-1900 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Turkey from 1800-1900 - Research Paper Example In 1800 the Empire had a population of about 20 million. The capital of this empire was the present day capital of Turkey, Istanbul and it was renowned throughout the nineteenth century for its wealth and sophistication, and also for the cosmopolitan mix of different nationalities, cultures and religions that gathered there. The dominant religion was Islam, and this rested on a long tradition of Islamic rulers called Caliphs and Sultans, supported by generally Islamic state laws. There were other religions that flourished in this empire too: â€Å"about three fourths Muslim and the rest divided between Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian and Coptic Christians as well as a prosperous Jewish community." The nineteenth century was a period of reform and renewal in the Ottoman Empire. Historians have recorded the achievements of a number of Islamic leaders who worked towards the twin goal of modernizing the government and institutions of the Empire and maintaining a moderate Islamic society. The rulers took on a personal responsibility for the welfare of their subjects, in accordance with Islamic tradition and this meant that many benefits such as transport, education, health and all kinds of government services were provided by the ruling Sultans. iii This moral obligation was a very important aspect in Turkey at the time, because without it, the people would have suffered under a despotic rule, with few rights, and at risk of exploitation. Thanks to Islamic values, which stipulate that patriarchs are responsible for others less powerful than themselves, there was a desire to do good works and take care of peoples’ needs. A notable feature of the society in Turkey during the e very early part of the nineteenth century is that the Muslim community had many privileges in comparison with the other religious groups. The political reforms of the nineteenth century, called Tanzimat, aimed to reduce these differences by creating a more neutral legal and social framework, which was applicable to all religions equally. This resulted in a separation between Islam and the state, and it has helped to produce the modern Turkey that we see today – broadly Islamic, but at the same time able to operate on a secular system that is quite close to European norms. It could be said that the late Ottoman Empire period in Turkey was an â€Å"attempt to integrate the Western system with moral content appropriate to the Islamic and Ottoman context.†iv There were a number of rebellions and especially attempts by fundamentalist Muslims to retain a more conservative and religious style of state administration, but these were squashed. Reflection Turkey, and the connect ed countries that formed the Ottoman Empire, is a very interesting region of the world because it sits at the margin between East and West, and at the meeting point between three of the great world religions, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Given that location, its history is bound to be greatly influenced by religious ideas. In studying this topic I have become aware of the long and glorious history that Islam has had, and the way that people in Turkey tried to construct a broadly Islamic society, but one which tolerated other religions and tried to make space for a neutral state system, rather than an overtly Islamic one. For this reason I think that the moderate form of Islam that became the norm in Turkey was very, very important not only for the way that modern Turkey was created, but also for the whole Eastern European region. When one looks at the harsh regimes that exist in Saudi Arabia, or in an even more extreme form in Afghanistan, for example,

Friday, August 23, 2019

Merger and Acquisitions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Merger and Acquisitions - Research Paper Example For Nvidia to acquire some other company or merge with some other formidable company to bring synergy in the operations, which cut down on operating cost, improve market penetration, or enhanced scale of operations could be a good choice. There are many companies that Nvidia may think of merging to increase the value of its stockholders; however, AMD will be a finest choice for merger over any other company. Nvidia’s old competitor ATI was acquired by AMD since then AMD has been most formidable competitor to Nvidia. A good synergy can be achieved by merging these two companies. AMD'S revenue at $6.5 billion is almost double of Nvidia's $3.5. Operating margin is almost matching at 6.25%. Merger can bring about the cost cutting in managerial and other staff cost. Unnecessary competition in many product lines can be eliminated and better price realization can be achieved. Their mergers will better be able to face competition from much larger corporations such as Intel. In the pro cess merged entity will have higher price-earnings ratio in the market place leading to higher share price. ( Answer 2. The AMD’s market capitalization is $5.25 billion, which is almost half of Nvidia’s market capitalization of $10.45 billion. ... This is also known as Fixed-Shares Stock offered to the shareholders of the company being merged. Thus, the company also saves on taxes as no cash outgo has taken place. The basis of ratio could be a current market price. This would not make any financial burden on Nvidia and merged entity would have increased outstanding shares with enhanced revenues and profits. It may happen that initially Nvidia share price may move southward but within 2-3 quarters when synergistic effects start percolating on the merged entity, price of Nvidia will start moving up fast. The agreed ratio will have some effect on price of AMD share but that will get stabilized soon. ( Answer 3. There are some other companies that can be merged with Nvidia as second or third choice for mergers. Gaughan, (2001) has rightly pointed out that merger should be able to integrate the operations of both the companies, otherwise it would be simply a leveraged buyout and that may fail to bring any e ffective outcomes that are envisaged with any merger. Xilinx Inc. (XLNX), a California based company, being in the allied field and complementary to the Nvidia’ business line could be a good choice for merging with the Nvidia. Xilinx Inc., offering programmable logic solutions in the form of advanced integrated circuits, could provide a good fillip to Nvidia in terms of business growth and can bring some level of synergy into certain functionality. Xilinx Inc., with market cap of 8.91 billion and operating margin of 34% that generates operating cash flow of 724 million in 12 months is a cash rich company to merge with Nvidia. (Source: Microchip Technology Inc. (MCHP) is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Archaeology and Mayan People Essay Example for Free

Archaeology and Mayan People Essay 1. According to Principle 3 of the American Archaeology Statement on Ethics, an archaeologist should drop and avoid any activities or words that would enhance the buying and selling of archaeological Mayan objects. This is demonstrated in the Apocalypto movie, especially those Mayan objects that have not been introduced to the public view, or available for scientific study and display. For example, if the black knife of one of the main warriors in the Apocalypto film was valuable to Mayan people, then the archaeologist who reviews the movie should not mention nor speak about the knife’s value or its estimated price to the public world. If he failed to do so, the object might be sold. Therefore, that action will destroy the important information that is needed to understand the archaeological record of the Mayan people and their cultures. 2. The village life is peaceful, joyful, and they dressed in small pieces of rags. The houses are made of dry leaves and trees. Their source of light is bon fires, and they usually gather around at night to tell stories. The city life is quite harsh. The place is dried up with limited, dirty water. Slaves are the only one working; they’re covered in white pounder. City people have colorful body paint, dresses, and hats. Their ritual is the sacrificing people from the villages. Andrea Stone stated that Mayan rituals always structured in precise time and positioning under the ranked and hierarchy people in specific order, along with beautiful dance prior to them. But the movie portrayed that time as chaos and mad cheering. Also, massive slavery labors is an unfamiliar in that period of time. Stone implied that Mayan villagers don’t lie around in dirt near the fire like hunter-gatherers. Moreover, Mayan woman put their hair up in neat bun and they don’t wear beads unlike Jaguar’s wife. Additionally, Mayan warriors wield clubs, spear, and shield not smashing heavy-metal savage showed in the film. And Mayan territory has scarlet macaw, not blue and gold macaw and howler monkey. Andrea also said that some of the costumes in the movie came after the Classic period such as turquoise jewelry and gold bead, and hair inaccurately putted in corn row. The movie made an assumption that Mayan has stick through the nose. This is a stereotype and inaccurate, Stone wrote.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Leadership Styles Management Essay Example for Free

Leadership Styles Management Essay → Production-centered managers – set rigid work standards, organized asks down to the last detail, prescribed work methods o be followed and closely supervised their subordinates work → Employee-centered managers – encouraged subordinate participation in goal setting and in other work decisions and helped ensure high performance by inspiring trust and respect most effective leadership Most effective leaders were those who had supportive relationships with their subordinates, tended to use group rather than individual decision making, and encouraged their subordinates to set and achieve high performance goals. Managerial Grid (Blake and Mouton Studies) developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton identifies 5 different types of management behaviors based on the various ways that task-oriented and employee-oriented styles can interact with each other Style 1,1 (impoverished management) – low concern for people, low concern for tasks or production laissez-faire management – leader abdicates his or her leadership role Style 1,9 (country club management) – high concern for employees, low concern for tasks Style 9,1 (task or authoritarian management) – high concern for production and efficiency, low concern for employees Style 5,5 (middle-of-the-road management) – an intermediate amount of concern for both production and employee satisfaction Style 9,9 ( team or democratic management) – high concern for both production and employee morale and satisfaction ; most effective leadership behavior Hi. Alam kong FC ako sa ginagawa ko pero di ko na talaga matiis eh. Haha. Sorry kung na-intrude ko ang privacy mo dito sa FB. Masyado lang kasi akong na-mesmerized dun sa story mong ICH Book 1. Di ko nga alam kung gagamit ako ng po at opo o tatawagin kitang Ate habang tinatype ko to.Haha. Kahit hindi ako nagcocomment sa updates mo (sorry po, tinatamad kasi akong gumawa ng account doon :D), gusto ko lang sabihin na nagustuhan ko yung plot ng story mo at grabe ang kaba ko habang papalapit na ako sa ending. Kahit ending na sya, naramdaman ko pa rin yung thrill. Hindi nakakasawang ulit-ulitin. Noon pa, curious na talaga ako sa identity mo pero may hint na ako na sa UP ka nag-aaral dahil dun sa jeepney ekek na nasabi mo. :3 Curiousity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. Wala lungs trip ko lang po isingit to. Mehehehe. Nakita ko po kasi yung link para sa FB account mo kaya ni-click ko na. XD First time kong mag-message sa isang writer ng story kaya pagpasensyahan mo na ako kung mukhang walang sense itong na-type kong message. Wahaha. Yun lang, byebye. =) FC ako, SORRY po ulet. :)))) System 4 Management Rensis Likert, incorporating the basic style categories of task orientation and employee orientation, devised his own model of management effectiveness. Four Leadership Systems System 1 characterized as exploitive and authoritative Managers make all work-related decisions and order their subordinates to carry them out. Failure to meet the managers goals results in threats or punishments. Managers have little trust or confidence in subordinates. Subordinates fear the managers. System 2 benevolent authoritative Subordinates who meet or exceed the managers goals may be rewarded. Managers have a condescending attitude toward their subordinates and subordinates are cautious when dealing with their managers. System 3 consultative Managers set goals and issue general orders after discussing them with subordinates. Subordinates can make their own decisions about how to carry out their ttasks. Rewards are used to motivate subordinates. Subordinates feel free to discuss most work-related matters with their managers, who, in turn, feel that to a large extent subordinates can be trusted to carry out their tasks properly. System 4 participative Likerts final and most favored management style Goals are set and work-related decisions are made by group. To motivate subordinates, managers not only use economic rewards but also try to give their subordinates feelings of worth and importance Performance standards exist to permit self-appraisal by subordinates, rather than to provide managers with a tool to control subordinates. Interaction between managers and subordinates is frank, friendly, and trusting. Low productivity → Systems 1 and 2 styles High productivity → Consultative or Participative leadership style System 4 management → desirable management in a wide variety of work situations High in consideration Lowest turnover rates Highest employee satisfaction Low in consideration High in initiating structture High grievance and turnover rates

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Respiratory System Procedures

Respiratory System Procedures Carol Bailey, MSN, RN Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits Introduction You are a nurse working in a PCU. Your clinical unit specializes in the care of patients who are undergoing treatment for pulmonary disease. You often provide care and patient teaching for patients having tests and procedures for pulmonary conditions. Your assignment today includes providing care and education support for 2 patients. You have a student nurse observing in your unit today. As you teach, please be sure to include rationales and answer the student’s questions. The Task Patient 1: Mr. Paul Monary, a 58 year old farmer, was admitted to your unit with complaint of progressive hoarseness, difficulty in swallowing, and loss of appetite over the past 3 months. The medical plan of care involves chemotherapy and radiation therapy. He will need a tracheostomy prior to beginning therapies. Objective data: He smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day. His weight has decreased from 200 pounds to 180 pounds over the past 3 months. The results of a CT scan and MRI reveal that this patient has throat cancer. Subjective data: The doctor said I would have a tracheostomy, but I don’t really know what that means for me. I don’t know how I am going to manage my farm if I have to have surgery. The nursing diagnosis you must address is knowledge deficit related to lack of information regarding care of a tracheostomy as evidenced by patient’s verbal response. Patient 2: Ms. Flora Vack, a 25 year old female, is a bull rider in the â€Å"Riding Stars Rodeo† that is currently performing at the Civic Center. She was thrown from a bull in last night’s performance and received repeated kicks to her left posterior chest. She was seen in the emergency room and admitted for follow up care. Her chest X-ray reveals a large pleura effusion on the left. You are assigned to prepare the patient for a thoracentesis. Outcome: You assist with the thoracentesis. 1,500 ml of pink tinged pleural fluid is removed. The patient experiences a pneumothorax following the procedure and a chest tube is inserted and connected to an atrium ocean chest tube drain. You are assigned to prepare the patient for chest tube insertion and to manage the chest tubes after the procedure. The Process To accomplish the task, you will review information from the links provided for each patient to fill in the table below. Patient 1 Links: Tracheostomy regular manual approach Tracheostomy percutaneous insertion Tracheostomy – percutaneous view from inside the trachea Laryngoscopy (this one was just cool!) effects of smoking: effects all organs of the body immediate effects trach care suctioning trach cleaning intercannula and trach dressing fenestrated trach tube passey-muir speaking valve Bottom of Form Click on â€Å"Videos† at the top of the home page. CEUs | Videos | News and Events | FAQs | Contact Us | International Then under – â€Å"Passy-Muir Animations† – There is a play list with 6 videos. View all videos except for the one on mechanical ventilation. Patient 2 Links: thoracentesis demo on real patient chest tube insertion Review â€Å"Managing chest drainage† ppt presentation for nursing educators (note: this ppt includes nursing assessment) Under the Product support tab: Along the left column under â€Å"Traditional Drainage† – click on â€Å"Ocean† Under education resources click on â€Å"Set up and Operation video†. Next click on Oasis, then pneumostat section. The video’s on ocean, oasis, and pneumostat are interesting and helpful to understand the function and assessment of a chest tube drainage system Click on the â€Å"Learning† tab Chest drainage 101 chapter 1 – 4 and Managing chest drainage part 1-6 are excellent resources of education developed by Atrium – a common brand of chest drainage system aking chest tube out / closing with a suture Nursing Assessment of the patient with a chest tube. Patient 1: Mr. Paul Monary NANDA: Knowledge deficit r/t lack of information regarding care of a tracheostomy AEB by patient’s verbal response. Client outcomes: Patient will Describe what a tracheostomy is and why it is necessary Describe the purpose of suctioning Demonstrate clearning of the innercannula and trach dressing Identify the effects on cigarette smoking on his current state of health List safety precautions in the use of the Passey-Muir valve Note: Respond to the patient’s questions using terminology the patient can understand. Respond to the Student nurse’s questions using professional terminology. Patient teaching: explain to this patient what a tracheostomy is and why it is necessary for him while having radiation therapy Patient teaching: explain to this patient the purpose of suctioning the trach and how it is accomplished. (explain the in-hospital sterile procedure – in your own works as if you were telling the patient all the steps you are taking and why) Patient teaching: explain to this patient how the nurse will clean the innercannula and why it is done (in-hospital sterile procedure) Patient teaching: explain to this patient, the effect of smoking on the lungs and on oxygenation Patient teaching: explain to this patient, the effect of smoking on the body. Patient teaching: explain to this patient how the passey-muir valve works and list safety precautions Answering the student nurse’s questions: how does the percutaneous insertion of the trach differ from the regular manual insertion? Answering the student nurse’s questions: How is a fenestrated trach tube different from a regular tube? Is there any potential complications with the fenestrated tube? List 3 additional Nursing Diagnosis (in 3 part format) appropriate for Mr. Monary: 1. 2. 3. Note: must list actual nursing diagnosis in 3 part format – not â€Å"at risk for† Patient 2 Ms. Flora Vack Respond to the patient’s questions (using terminology the patient can understand) Respond to the Student nurse’s questions (using professional terminology. Patient question: What is a thoracentesis? A thoracentesis is when a needle is inserted through your chest wall and then into the pleural space (Lewis, 2014). The pleural space is the thin, but large lining of tissue that surrounds your lungs and lines your chest cavity (Lewis, 2014). We do this to take samples to perform some diagnostic testing, remove excess fluid or air and give medications directly to the pleural space (Lewis, 2014). In your situation we are using a thoracentesis to drain the fluid buildup from your lungs by inserting the large needle and letting it drain out (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). Answering the student nurse’s questions: How do you position the patient for a thoracentesis? What do I do to assist the doctor during this procedure? You need to position the patient with their elbows on over the bedside adjustable table, sitting in the upright position (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). Their feet should be supported and you can place a pillow across their abdomen for additional support (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). During a thoracentesis the nurse will assist the doctor by supporting the patient throughout the procedure and answering any questions she may have (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). Throughout the procedure you will need to ask assessment questions to determine how the patient is tolerating the procedure and to facilitate any alterations in body position, such as resting their head during the procedure if they feel light headed (Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview). You will also monitor vital signs throughout the procedure (Lewis, 2014). Also, make sure you ensure the patient is properly oxygenated by administering any supplemental oxygen that may be necessary (Lewis, 2014). After the procedure you will need to make sure you apply a sterile dressing to the puncture site (Lewis, 2014) Patient question: What is the purpose of a chest tube and drainage system? The purpose of a chest tube and drainage system is to drain the air or gas that has built up in the area around your lungs due to your pneumothorax (Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2). The space around your lungs is known as the pleural space (Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2). This is the lining of tissue that surrounds your lungs and lines your chest cavity (Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2). This reestablishes negative pressure in your lungs which allows your lungs to expand properly (Lewis, 2014). Answering the student nurse’s questions: What is the underwater seal of a chest drainage system and how does it work? The underwater seal of a chest drainage system is what allows the air or fluid to leave the pleural space but also prevents the backflow of air or fluid back into the pleural cavity (Chest Tube Insertion part 2/2). The way the underwater seal works is that is contains about 2 cm of water and when the air or gas enters up, or bubbles, through the water it acts as a one way valve (Lewis, 2014). Answering the student nurse’s questions: When do I expect to see bubbles in the underwater seal section of the chest tube drainage system? (what circumstances will cause bubbling in this chamber) Answering the student nurse’s questions: The atrium pleura drain uses the same concepts at the 3 bottle system of chest tube bottles. What is the main function of each of the bottles? Bottle 1 = Bottle 2 = Bottle 3 = Answering the student nurse’s questions: What should I include in the assessment and care of a patient who has a chest tube? (include assessment of the patient as well as the drainage system) Answering the student nurse’s questions: Describe to the student nurse how the chest tube will be removed, how the nurse will assist, and observation and care of the site. Evaluation Your grade for this exercise will be 2% of your grade for this course. Grading will use the rubric below. Maximum points = 36. This webquest is due to be submitted by 1:00 PM, October 17, 2014. Learning Objectives Beginning 1 point Developing 2 points Accomplished 3 points Score Describes the purpose of a tracheostomy including the difference between a regular tube and a fenestrated tube Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Effectively explains the purpose of a tracheostomy and the fenestrated tube Explains the purpose and steps of trach suctioning and cleaning of the inner cannula Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Effectively explains trach suctioning and cleaning of the inner cannula using terms appropriate for patient education Identifies the effects of smoking on the respiratory system Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Identifies only 3 smoking risks on the respiratory system (lungs) Explains effectively to the patient the effect smoking has on their lungs. Identifies the effects of smoking on the body Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Identifies only 3 smoking risks to the body Explains effectively to the patient the effect smoking has on their body. Explains the purpose of the passey-muir valve and how it works. Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Effectively explains purpose of a passey-muir valve and how it works using terms appropriate for patient education Identifies safety precautions for use of a passey-muir valve. Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Identifies only 3 safety precautions Explains safety precautions effectively to the patient. Critiques the difference between the surgical insertion and the percutaneous insertion of the tracheostomy tube Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Clearly critiques the difference in the 2 insertion techniques for tracheostomy insertion. Identifies 3 actual nursing diagnosis using the 3 part format (diagnosis / related to / AEB) Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Nursing diagnoses do not include pertinent diagnoses or format is not followed Identifies 3 actual nursing diagnosis pertinent to this patient in proper format Describes the procedure, performing a thoracentesis Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited Explains the procedure effectively including patient positioning Recognizes normal versus abnormal function of the chest tube system Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Recognizes which chambers bubbling may occur and what that means Describes the function of the 3 bottle chest tube system Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Fully explains the function of each of the 3 bottles Demonstrates knowledge in the care of the patient with a chest tube drain and chest tube removal. Response reflects limited knowledge of this objective Limited explanation Explains effectively to the student nurse, how to care for a chest tube drain, including assessment of the patient Conclusion This WebQuest will support learning and application of materials covered in Lewis, Chapters 26, 27, and 28. I hope you found the exercise to be a fun, interesting way to learn. In addition to Web links, you may use your NANDA and Lewis books as needed to support your answers. You must cite references for your answers using APA format. Credits References Ackley, B. J. Ladwig, G. B. (2008). Nursing diagnosis handbook: A guide to planning care (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Elsevier Atrium Chest Drainage Education. Chest Tube Insertion part 1/2. (2012, July 13). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Chest Tube Insertion part 2/2. (2012, July 13). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Lewis, S.M., Heitkemper, M.M., Dirksen, S.R., O’Brien, P.G., Giddens, J.F, Bucher, L. (2007). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St.Louis: Mosby-Elsevier. Lewis, S. M., Dirksen, S. R. (2014). Medical-surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems (Ninth ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. Ocean Drain Education Video. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Thoracentesis to remove 1200cc of Pleural Fluid at Harborview. (2007, November 2). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

Theodore Geisels Emergence as Dr. Seuss Essay example -- Literature C

Theodore Geisel's Emergence as Dr. Seuss The appellation , "Dr. Seuss," has become a name that often evokes fond memories of a cherished childhood. Entrenched in monotony of gray day when, "The sun did not shine./ It was too wet to play," we only had to look at the grinning face of Dr. Seuss's famous cat to remind us that there was more to do than wait as time slipped away. There was something appealing in the simple anapestic tetrameter rhythm, coupled with nonsensical words and illustrations of outlandish creatures that seemed to call out to the vibrant, dynamic imagination of a child. Through over forty-two books Dr. Seuss has been able to encourage children to seek delight in reading and has opened the minds of successive generations. He designed books that inspire children to learn through entertainment, by providing according to Steven Brezzo, Director of the San Diego Museum of Art, "a fantastic refuge of wacky characters, convoluted logic, and silly vocabulary." The accomplishments of Dr. Seuss are far-ranging: not only did he resurrect the pleasure of reading for children, and inspire them to think creatively, but he taught many a moral lesson to us during what researchers have discovered are our most formative years. We have learned tolerance and consideration, individuality and compromise, and even morality concerning the ideology of nuclear armament(The Butter Battle Book, 1984) and materialistic society's effect upon the natural world(The Lorax, 1971). These lessons were often taught subtly, subconsciously embracing our young psyche, for as children Dr. Seuss was primarily a wonderful synonym for fanciful adventures that showed us a life we could create beyond reality, where having fun was paramount. For many ... his wife. All the children of the world were his, for he was a child and in that a friend. I would argue that with his death in 1991, rather than being gone forever, Dr. Seuss is here the minds and hearts of those who already love him and those who are picking him up for the first time, in over twenty languages and in homes throughout the world. Theodore Geisel is truly is a creative genius who will continue to guide the minds of those who have opened up to him and in this way Dr. Seuss will live on. Bibliography Kanfer, Stefan. "The Doctor Beloved by All, Theodore Seuss Geisel: 1904-1991". Time Magazine, October 7, 1991. MacDonald, Ruth K. Dr. Seuss. Boston: Twayne Publishers., 1988. Morgan, Judith and Neil. Dr. Seuss and Mr. Geisel. New York: Random House, 1995. Stofflet, Mary. Dr Seuss from Then to Now. New York: Random House, 1986

Monday, August 19, 2019

Free College Essays - Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale the Wuss in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Scarlet Letter: Dimmesdale the Wuss "But (Hester) is not the protagonist; the chief actor, and the tragedy of The Scarlet Letter is not her tragedy, but Dimmesdales. He it was whom the sorrows of death encompassed_. His public confession is one of the noblest climaxes of tragic literature." This statement by Randall Stewart does not contain the same ideas that I believe were contained within The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. I, on the contrary to Stewart's statement, think Dimmesdale is a coward and a hypocrite. Worse, he is a self-confessed coward and hypocrite. He knows what he has to do to still the voice of his conscience and make his peace with God. Throughout the entire story his confession remains an obstacle . While Hester is a relatively constant character, Dimmesdale is incredibly dynamic. From his fall with Hester, he moves, in steps, toward his public hint, at the end of the novel, of sinning. He wants to unburden himself by revealing his sin to his congregation, but somehow can never quite manage this. He is a typical example of a "wuss", using today’s terminology. To some extent, Dimmesdale's story is one of a single man tempted into the depths of the hormonal world. This world, however, is a place where the society treats sexuality with ill grace. But Dimmesdale’s problem is enormously complicated by the fact of Hester's marriage (for him no technicality), and by his own image of himself as a cleric devoted to higher things. Unlike other young men, Dimmesdale cannot accept his loss of innocence and go on from there. He must struggle futilely to get back to where he was. Torn between the desire to confess and atone for his sin and the cowardice that holds him back, Dimmesdale goes slightly mad. He takes up some morbid forms of penance, fasts and scourgings, but he can neither whip nor starve the sin from his soul. In his agony, he staggers to the pulpit to confess, but his words come out as generalized and meaningless declarations of guilt. The reverend seems to want to reveal himself, but Chillingworth's influence and his own shame are stronger than his weak conscience. Dimmesdale cannot surrender an identity which brings him the love and admiration of his parishioners. He is far too intent on his earthly image to willingly reveal his sin.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Roman Shit List :: essays research papers

Romans were collectors and admirers of Greek art. Art from Greece was brought to Rome, copied, and also changed by the Romans. As a result, Roman art is somewhat based on Greek art. However, Roman art is not merely a continuation of Greek art. For an amateur it is difficult to determine between the two art forms because neither the Romans nor the Greeks wrote down the history of their own art. The characteristics pertaining to each particular type of art are known to some extent, so the experts are relatively accurate in determining the separation of the two types of art. Roman art is divided into four categories: portrait sculptures, paintings and mosaics, relief sculptures, and statues. Each of these has its own characteristics. Portrait sculptures, designed by the Romans, shows the desire of the Romans for literalness; it records even the homeliest features. This is demonstrated in the sculpture, Head of A Roman, made of marble in 80 B.C. The artist painstakingly reported each rise and fall and each bulge and fold of the entire facial surface. It was as if the artist was acting like a map maker, trying not to miss the slightest detail. The end product was a blunt, bald record of features. Idealism nor improvement of features was done causing the feeling of superrealism. Paintings and mosaics were influenced by the architecture of the Romans . Their architecture consisted of buildings containing a small number of doors and windows, thus leaving considerably large stretches of wall space suitable for decoration. The quality was determined by the importance and the wealth of the patron. The walls were used for two things in Roman art. First, they were used as a barrier. Secondly, they were used to visually open the wall and enhance the space of the room. Only certain colors were used. These were deep red, yellow, green, violet and black. Two methods were used to prepare walls for painting. In one, plaster was compounded with marble dust, then laid directly on the wall in several layers. It was eventually beaten smooth with a trowel until it became dense. Finally, it was polished to a marble finish. The wall was then ready to be painted with water colors or encaustic paints. The other method, called panel painting, consisted of stucco being applied to boards of cypress, pine, lime, oak, and larch.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Childhood Is The Best Part Of One’s Life Narrate Your Experience

Many a time, I have longed for my childhood days. This is especially true at times when I would like to escape from the torture of examinations and homework. Furthermore, my childhood was filled with countless memorable moments that I would love to relive. Many, who have happy childhood memories, would also, I am sure, feel the same.Childhood is a period which is associated with fun and play. The child hardly cares or knows what the adult thinks of him. He frolics with his childhood playmates in the sand, mud or water. Through his mother may chide him for his pranks, she may, secretly in her heart, wish that she too could be as carefree and happy as her child.Children normally do not have any major responsibilities to shoulder. Political, economic, social and family problems do not disturb them. They may be confused because they can not comprehend the problem, but most of them will not go through heartbreaking moments over them.However, the above beautifully painted childhood phase i s not true in the case of all children. There are children who are abused and exploited and who suffer from dire poverty. In Ethiopia and other poor countries, children are afflicted with many diseases and continually suffer the pangs of hunger. They have to shoulder the responsibilities of adults, looking for food and taking care of their younger siblings.These cases, however, may be considered as exceptions. Many still feel that the average child’s life is much merrier. Adult life is filled with responsibilities. Yet, responsibilities need not be viewed negatively. There are many joys that come with responsibilities. For example, I always experience great joy and satisfaction when I do well in my exam after studying hard for it.Therefore, in my view, childhood can be looked back upon as one of the best periods in one’s life. With a positive attitude, a person can experience happiness in any period of his life.

Friday, August 16, 2019

DNA †Modified Food Essay

Some vegetarians do not prefer to consume genetically modified vegetables or food products because they contain other genes which they have no idea about. The consumers find these genes unsafe for their health. The people must have the knowledge that the addition of these genes into the plants is done only to give them a better food product, but it’s therefore important to label genetically modified foods because it enables the consumer to determine and know the right choice of food information that is needed. Genetic modification is the technology by which the genetic makeup of the living organism such as plants and animal’s bacteria is changed. Thus the resultant organism is called genetically modified, genetic engineered or transgenic. Source citation (http://www. ext. colostate. edu/pubs/foodnut/09371. html). First of all Consumers have a right to know what’s in their food, especially concerning products for which health and environmental concerns have been raised, this I think is one of the most important reason why individuals will prefer the labeling of genetically modified food, and also to know the condition of the environment of which the product was made from weather is a place with good sanitation or not. Mandatory labeling will allow consumers to identify and steer clear of food products that cause them problems because some people who with medical problems or allergic to some product will have to know before using them in order not to get themselves in trouble or contracting any form of diseases Surveys indicate that a majority of Americans support mandatory labeling. (However, such surveys often do not specify the effect on food prices.) Least 21 countries and the European Union have established some form of mandatory labeling source citation (Gruere and Rao, 2007; Phillips and McNeill, 2000) For religious or ethical reasons, many Americans want to avoid eating animal products, including animal DNA. For example some religious beliefs enact laws for people to avoid eating some certain products due to this labeling of genetically modified food will help consumers know the right choice of product to consume example are the jewish and the buddist.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How I Taught My Grandmother Essay

a) Triveni was a popular writer because of her style of writing was very easy-to-understand and also convincing. Moreover, she used to write on the complex psychological problems in the lives of common people which was another reason of her popularity. (b) The grandmother could not read the story that appeared in the magazine as she had never been to school. So she used to depend on her granddaughter who read the story to her. (c) The following two sentences spoken by the grandmother tell us how desperate was she to know what happened in the story: 1. â€Å"Many times, I rubbed my hands over the pages wishing I could understand what was written.† 2. â€Å"I even thought of going to the village and asking you to read for me.† (d) Yes, the grandmother succeeded in accomplishing her desire to read. To accomplish this she worked hard with some target. She made the ‘Saraswati Pooja’ day as the deadline. And by this day she was able to read a book independently. (e) The grandmother had a strong determination and also emotional. She was determined to learn to read. She worked hard with strong determination in order to achieve her target before the deadline she had set to herself. After she had accomplished her desire, she expressed her gratitude to her granddaughter. She touched the little girl’s feet because she felt it was her duty to respect her teacher irrespective of the gender and age. The grandmother was seemed to be very emotional when she told the story of her life to her granddaughter.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Learning and Sleep Essay

Title: 234 Provide support for sleep Level: 2 Credit Value: 2 GLH 13 Learning Outcomes The learner will; Assessment Criteria The learner can; 1. Understand the importance of sleep 1Explain how sleep contributes to an individual’s well-being 2Identify reasons why an individual may find it hard to sleep 3Describe the possible short-term and long-term effects on an individual who is unable to sleep well 2. Be able to establish conditions suitable for sleep 1 Describe conditions likely to be suitable for sleep 2 Minimise aspects of the environment likely to make sleep difficult for an individual. 3 Adjust own behaviour to contribute to a restful environment 4 Describe actions to take if the behaviour or movement of others hinders an individual’s ability to sleep 3. Be able to assist an individual to sleep 1Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assisting sleep 2Encourage the individual to communicate the support they need to sleep 3Assist the individual to find a position for sleep consistent with their plan of care 4Support the individual to use aids for sleep in ways that reflect the plan of care and follow agreed ways of working 4. BE ABLE TO MONITOR SLEEP 1ESTABLISH WITH THE INDIVIDUAL. and others how sleep will be monitored 2Record agreed observations relating to the individual’s sleep and the assistance given 5. Know how to access information and advice about difficulties with sleep 1Describe situations in which additional information or assistance about sleep would be needed 2Explain how to access additional information and assistance Additional information An individual is someone requiring care or support Agreed ways of working will include policies and procedures where these exist Others may include: †¢family †¢friends †¢advocates †¢line manager †¢health professionals. †¢others who are important to the individual’s well-being Unit aim (s) This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to establish conditions suitable for sleep and support the individual to sleep. Assessment requirements specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit must be assessed in accordance with Skills for Care and Development’s QCF Assessment Principles. Learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 must be assessed in a real work environment. Details of the relationship of the unit and relevant national occupational standards HSC216.

Digital marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Digital marketing - Essay Example Consequently, some people may be using one or two of the media but not all and the integration will ensure communication to a wider customer base. Statistics supports difference in the audience’s preference for the social media with Facebook being the most popular, among the three, followed by Twitter and then Instagram (Boutelle 2014, n.p.). Differentiated features of the three social media and effects of diversity on effectiveness of communication is another reason for our integration. While Instagram is effective in visual communication and Twitter is effective in short-term communications with ability to allow people to follow posts, and Facebook offers a networking forum and connects the audience through communication posts. The differences meet diversity needs to ensure effective communication to the wide target population. Reinforcing information, on those who use more than one of the media also facilitate effective communication through capturing attention, desire, and interest of the target audience (Boutelle 2014, n.p.; Ferrell and Hartline 2010, p. 294). Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are some of the applicable social media for marketing. We have decided to integrate the three media in order to expand our audience base and facilitate effectiveness of our

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

E-Shopping System for Educational Needs Assignment

E-Shopping System for Educational Needs - Assignment Example Search for products: A Search box would be provided in every page of the application where the user can type in a text of their choice (matching the search criteria). In addition, two or more drop-down lists would be employed for selecting the categories and subcategories to refine the search more precisely and also to ease the task of customers for entering additional texts. Order a product: The e-Shopping application would have an exclusive order processing module. Users can order any number of products from the appropriate page. The system would offer a secure payment gateway for making payments using a variety of modes like internet banking, credit cards, and PayPal. Place an inquiry: In order to facilitate bulk bookings for Corporate/Academic Institutions, an option to place requests or inquire about the availability of the required quantity of products and also the expected invoice would be offered. Track the order: Track your order option would be opened to customers as soon as the payment is made and the order request is completed. Users can track the order based on the order id or combination of customer id and the order date. View Order History: View History option would be enabled for all registered customers in order to view the history of all their transactions. It would not only include all the completed orders but also includes details for canceled and pending orders if any. Apart from all these functionalities and features, session variables/cookies would also implement so that the application would remember the users visiting the site and would welcome them with their name (if registered) and their last visited date and time. The system is implemented with the overall assumption that there is a stable internet connection available throughout the period of transaction.  

Monday, August 12, 2019

Management Accounting Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management Accounting Master - Assignment Example The attached report is a proposal to introduce innovations in our management accounting techniques specifically with regard to Activity Based Budgeting related to Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT). The present techniques in place do not seem to be reflecting the changed industry dynamics and priorities. (Lucey, 1993) As discussed at the recent conference we are expecting to develop new products in the engineering cranes and automated fork lift equipment in the 'Premium' segment. These products are expected to be very popular with the automobile industries because of their versatility. Strong business contacts with both the above segment and a referral network are expected to help gain a rapid entry into the market. ABC plans to offer the automobile industries high quality engineering equipment at prices which are competitive relative to other premium quality suppliers in the market. The management of the company believes that the inclusion of precision controls within our products will better serve the needs of the automobile industry. (Garrison, 2003) Conventionally management accountants used forms of variance analysis in arriving at costs. Variance analysis compares the budgeted versus the actual costs of raw material during a manufacturing cycle. Variance can be calculated for both costs and revenue. When costs are allotted to material or labor a standard rate is the benchmark used to compare variances. The standard rate of material versus the actual material cost in the market determines the efficiency of a purchase or labor mechanism. The accepted product costing used volume based measures such as labor hours or labor dollar to allocate indirect costs. Traditional roles allocated to management accountants typically include:- Facilitating the preparation of financial reports Being a part of the strategy forming team Planning optimal resource use Planning and controlling business activity The management accountant is viewed as someone who oversees cost control through a strict regulation of unit prices and labor. (Hansen, 1997) In this context it should be stated that Cash is regarded as an asset that has the ability to generate opportunity cost. This because cash is the most liquid form of asset and these is available on a ready basis. Cash in hand, cash at bank are the most liquid form in terms of currency and checking. These can be enumerated as the instrument of short term

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Reading Activity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading Activity - Assignment Example As much as women were drawn to humanism, they also got attracted to the scientific revolution and have excelled so much in the field of science. Various women have become lead astronomers, entomologists and great scientists, proving beyond reasonable doubt that women can do better in what previously was male dominated fields. Women like Margaret Cavendish, Mari Merian and Maria Winkelman are classic reference to the importance of educating a woman in the society today (Spielvogel). Despite the difficulties women go through as they try to access education and pursue their careers, women have emerged to be successful and have even excelled more than their male counterparts. It is important for a society to put the girl child on the spotlight in terms of education and career opportunities so that women are empowered to bring about gender parity as well as enlighten the whole society because educating a woman is like educating the whole

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Assignment of Religion and Environment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Of Religion and Environment - Assignment Example Maya- the Maya religion developed in the west before arrival of the Spanish. They worshipped nature gods such the gods of the sun or rain. The main significance of the ballgame highlights the Mayas belief in life death and rebirth/resurrection. Sabbath- the term Sabbath is derived from the bible in the story of God’s creation in the book of genesis. He created earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Its significance is for Christians to take rest from their busy schedules and have a day to honor God and keep it holy as written in the commandments. Dukha- the act of trying to grasp, cling, having passion or craving for something that cannot be obtained. Its significance is to ensure religion is based on experimenting all things either natural or spiritual as a meaningful unity. Catharsis- the word catharsis is derived from a Greek word kathoros meaning to purify or keeping it clean. It is used by Christians by using it in the beyond limits of ordinary experience to that free or cleanse souls. Miasma- the term miasma is a Greek mythology that means a contagious power that has another independent life of its own until a wrongdoer who sacrifices to die to help cleanse the society from getting infected by catastrophes (Patton, 2006). What is the myth of Hindu fire mare and how does Patton explain the significance of this myth in relation to environmental pollution. Hindu fare mare is the myth that fire brings images concealing immense energy; it gives a chance of survival to humans and would destroy everything in the end of time. Agni the fire goddess is present in all three worlds and helps settle disputes or act as a witness in ceremonies such as marriage.(patton, 2006) Patton explains that many cultures have made the sea sacred in believing that it can was away dirty or immoral, majorly anything contaminating. In return, the oceans and seas take in limitless amount of waste and the ecologists are slow to act (Illich,

Friday, August 9, 2019

Avoiding Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Avoiding Plagiarism - Essay Example This reflection paper provides insight into my experience with researching, referencing, and writing academic papers. After a critical analysis of my writing skills, I discovered that I am very cautions with plagiarism. The college has strict policy against plagiarism, which could result in failure in my coursework or even expulsion in extreme situation. To avoid these consequences I have learned how to paraphrase my research, do quotations, and summarize material from secondary sources of information in my own words. According to Neville (2007), it is critical for students to write in their own voice, which is a foremost factor when trying to avoid plagiarism. I am also good at critiquing other author’s ideas. This gives me an opportunity to my make my own contribution to a certain topic by improving on literature available. I believe that every field of research needs new ideas which can be possible through evaluation of literature available and adding your own views. In addition, I take citations very seriously. I discovered that I rely heavily on auto formatting tools in word processing. The over reliance on auto formatting tools can be time consuming and reduces my ability to improve my writing style. According to Wong (2011), students should ensure they master the difference between research and plagiarism. Sometimes after extensive research on a topic, I tend to reproduce the ideas in the same format as the author, which increases my chances of plagiarizing my work. Therefore, I have to use anti plagiarism tools to ensure my work is original. This process can be time consuming and mastering how to avoid plagiarism would increase my confidence when writing academic papers. I have not perfected in text citations, I keep referring to class notes, and I use auto-formatting tools to ensure that all papers I write are cited properly. My plan is to

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Intercultural communication class- movie reviewed by applying concepts Review

Intercultural communication class- reviewed by applying concepts - Movie Review Example nitiate the relationship, in this movie, Toula and Ian pursue each other equally despite the conflicts that exist within and across their family and culture. Toula’s father, who is considered as the main cause of conflict, desperately wants her daughter to marry a Greek man and have lots of babies. However she does the opposite and this sparks all this conflicts. The lower context conflict that occurs between Toula and Ian is across cultures. This is because Toula is a Greek and works at her father’s restaurant. According to their family and cultural value and beliefs they should not marry outside their ethnicity. However she ends up falling in love with Ian Miller who is a non-Greek. This high power distance pushes her away from her family and consequently and she tries to seek refuge on Ian family where she also faces discrimination. This conflict between their two cultures tries to pull them apart however they later come to terms with the fact their cultures are different and they overcome the challenges. ( Kehr, D .2002). Conversely, a high context conflict within culture can be seen when Toula has issues with her father in terms of who she should marry. When she falls in love with Ian, who is outside their Greek culture, this pushes her away from her father who disowns her. This is because her father who believes in high power distance had earlier requested that she marry a staunch Greek who she can have many children. To try to overcome this she quits her job in their restaurant moves to the outside world and joins college. Another high context conflict depicted in the movie is the internal conflict within Toula, she is undecided on who to choose between the love of her life Ian and Her beloved family. She is also in doubt on whether Ian should convert to Greek or their families are the one to learn to integrate the two cultures. Regardless of how it is hard making these decisions are, she decides to move away from her family and joins college where

Kerouac and Moon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kerouac and Moon - Essay Example These two people are Dean and Sal. In the course of their journeys around New York, there are several fascinating encounters the two friends come across that both enlightens their views and opinion about the American person and also gives them a peculiar identify of where they two of them also belong in the American society or system. On his part, Heat-Moon William Least in writing Blue Highways takes the story from the perspective of someone who is not meeting love right away but bitterness and pain. This was because the journey that is described in this book was embarked upon by someone who had just separated from his wife and also lost his lost. As a way of finding solace from not just the brighter side of life but the ugly part of it also, the voyager decides to travel along the rural part of America that is often marked by a blue line in Rand McNally road atlas and thus the Blue Highway. It could briefly be said that both works are similar because they are all based on journeys of the life of real people while the setting of the journeys and the causes of the journey brings out the differences in the two books. Likes among both writers Both authors exhibit in their writing and the narration of their journeys, certain things they like about America that are common in both instances. One of these is the seemingly clear love for alcohol. This is shown because Kerouac emphasizes his love for big party with alcohol (Kerouac, p. 53). Similarly, Moon reiterates his love to drink a lot of alcohol (Moon, p. 6). Clearly, reasons as to why these two writers both love the abundance of alcoholic drinks in America could be traced to the circumstances surrounding their trip. On the part of Kerouac, it could be said that he was just putting himself in the most common kind of mood that new friends and lovers put themselves in, which has to do with the sharing of drinks and alcohol to make themselves feel so good. On his part, Moon might have taken to the love for alcohol a s a way of dealing with the pain and grief that his heart bore. The love for alcohol is thus similar among the two writers but the reasons for liking alcohol is quite different. Both writers also exhibit their likeness for music and dancing. Though Moon traveled through the rural part of America and Kerouac travelled through New York, it is common to find that music and dance is something that is synonymous with all parts of America being it rural or urban. This is because while Kerouac who was in the heart of the city wrote that he loves music and dance (Kerouac, p. 53), Moon who was also in the rural setting also wrote that he loves to enjoy his life by dancing off his stress (Moon, p. 9). Regardless of this similarity however, it can be said that the sources of enjoyment that came with music and dance for the two writers were different. For instance in the city, one is likely to party in places like the discotheque or club while in the rural area, all that there is to offer are p ubs and little bars and restaurants. Again, there exist differences in terms of causes of action. This is because while Kerouac’s action was caused by the desire to make himself happy with his friend, Moon’s action was caused by the need to throw off his sorrows. Dislikes among both writers As normal people, it would not be every single thing that these two individuals see about America that they will love. This is especially so as the two had to travel around different places in America. Indeed once a person is travelling around; it is common that he fellow will come across different people and different events that will trigger the person’

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

How the Majority Adapts to Major Economic Transformations Essay Example for Free

How the Majority Adapts to Major Economic Transformations Essay ALN provided a simplified plus-minus tax cut or tax increase, increased government spending or reduced expenditures analyses of the U.S. political landscape covering the pre- and post-World War period (85; 94-5) up to Bill Clinton’s term as U.S. President (109). ALN’s ‘When Legislators Get Out of Step’ or Chapter 6 of the book ‘Title’ attempted to explain the fiscal policy changes in the United States with regards to constituent preferences on fiscal policy issues; the speed or slowness of legislator actions, inactions, or stances; and constituent-legislator equilibrium or interest-and-action matching from a state of non-equilibrium (92). Meanwhile, ALN’s ‘Key Episodes in the Twentieth Century’ or Chapter 7 of the same book attempted to discuss the drawn out process of fiscal policy change initiatives (110). Chapter 6 basically explained how U.S. political representatives identify, understand, and support the majority while Chapter 7 detailed the U.S. Economy’s shift from agricultural to industrial and the corresponding increase in government spending to support denser population growth in the cities during the pre-World War U.S. economy (94-6). Chapter 7 also suggested that â€Å"voters became more conservative† and legislators â€Å"made an ‘honest mistake’† (110) during the later part of the twentieth century as the reasons behind the slow, yet ultimately, quick trend in tax cuts, and hence, reduced government spending (100-5). The thesis of this paper is that when it came to fiscal policy preferences, U.S. constituent mood swings from conservative to liberal or vice-versa actually reflected a major transformation in the U.S. economy that ALN reasonably examined in Chapter 6 (90-1) and some parts of Chapter 7 (94-7), but failed to identify or support in Chapter 7’s conclusion with regards to the later part of the twentieth century (110). First, ALN observed that U.S. government spending was increased in the early twentieth century but was cut or reduced during the last three decades (83). ALN also observed that some U.S. states followed this trend while others did not (83). ALN called those states that followed the trend as ‘initiative states’ while those states that did not follow the trend as ‘non-initiative states’ (83). Majority of ALN’s observations and analyses are focused on fiscal policies that increase or reduce spending or taxes versus those policies that retain the status quo. ALN pointed out that legislators or politicians that followed the trend are clearly the representatives of the majority while those that did not: â€Å"voted according to their conscience† believing that they know better than the majority (87). In this light, ALN asserted that: â€Å"After all, representatives who want to stay in office will try to please their constituents, and those who flagrantly ignore the wishes of the electorate will eventually be voted out of office† (87). ALN also provided numerous examples on how government spending increased during the U.S. economy’s shift from the agricultural era into the industrial age as the rural economy became weak while the urban economy became strong (94-7). Moreover, ALN cited as an example voters’ preference for increased welfare spending during a recession instead of during an economic boom (90). ALN’s examples appeared to have economic explanations, and dovetailed with Roosevelt’s New Deal and spending economics to pump prime a sluggish U.S. economy during the Great Depression, except in ALN’s discussion of the California Tax Revolt (100; 102-5), Ronald Reagan (102-3; 106; 108-9), and Bill Clinton (109). Here, initiatives for tax cuts have been simply presented and explained as constituency preferences or setting about â€Å"to implement the will of the voters† (103). Second, Chapter 6 or ‘When Legislators Get Out of Step’ provided insights on how legislators deliberately or unwittingly interpret or misinterpret voters’ preferences on certain issues that affect the speed by which fiscal policies change and vice-versa. Meaning, voters too can misinterpret the stances on fiscal policy issues of their duly elected representatives. Both ways, misinterpretations are due to a variety of reasons such as: [a] the diverse portfolio of issues that a politician supports or information overload (88); [b] the great number of politicians that need to be elected in federal, state, and local government offices (88); [c] the distinct interests of politicians compared with ordinary citizens (87); [d] limited information (89); and [e] lack of measurement tools that gauge voter preferences on selected issues (89). According to ALN, these reasons determine the speed or slowness of a politician to adapt to a fiscal policy change that the majority of constituents prefer. Ultimately, the politician catches up with the preference of the voting majority. Otherwise, politicians get voted out of office. Meanwhile, Chapter 7 or ‘Key Episodes in the Twentieth Century’ provided an insight into how a visionary initiates the process of fiscal policy change (102), how the initiative slowly gains momentum (102), and how the initiative affects the majority of the voters eventually resulting in a fiscal policy change (103-5). However, ALN’s discussion of the slow fiscal policy change did not refer to any economic explanations even though the time period graphically shown in Figure 7.3 illustrating the growth of support for tax cuts from 1968 to 1979 in California (104) can be dovetailed with major economic events that occurred during this time such as the oil crisis of the 1970s; the emerging trend in Japanese car imports; or the beginnings of offshore manufacturing plants. Essentially, the slow gain in momentum of the California tax cut that was initiated by Philip Watson could also be attributed to lack of information, both from the point of view of politicians and the voting constituency of California State. This is for the simple reason that: Watson may have had been ahead of his time. For the purpose of this paper, it can be conjectured that Watson may have had seen, evaluated, or assessed economic events that were unfolding during his time that eventually resulted in the trend of tax cuts and reduced government spending. For instance, U.S. consumer preference for more fuel-efficient and cheaper Japanese cars could have had a positive externality that politicians would initially favor for the sake of the bigger majority of consumers. However, the same situation has a negative externality in the sense that U.S. car manufacturing jobs will be greatly affected when demand for Japanese cars rise while those for US-made cars plunge. Due to the multiplier effects of the US automotive industry on the US economy, tax cuts would essentially counter the side effects of cheaper, Japanese automotive goods such as: [a] lost jobs from direct and indirect automotive industry businesses; [b] lesser US worker and business income due to international competition; and [c] lesser demand for other US goods due to reduced purchasing power of US workers and businesses. On the contrary, since tax cuts would basically reduce government spending due to lesser government funds, major US businesses and US workers could be negatively affected by these tax cuts. Cause and effect-wise, politicians initially favoring the preference of the majority of consumers could eventually be doing a disfavor to the majority of constituents who have had lost jobs and reduced income. In this sense, ALN appeared to have had ignored the cause and effects brought about by the economic externalities on the US political landscape. Third, ALN tried to tie-up several theories on voter preferences and the will of the majority in Chapter 6 with the California Tax Revolt story (100; 102-5) in Chapter 7 to illustrate how ‘voters became more conservative’ (86) and how politicians make ‘honest mistakes’ (87). ALN basically explained in Chapter 6 how US politicians identify their supporters and voters to win an election; how they understand voter preferences; and how they support the majority of their constituents. In Chapter 7, ALN explained how the voting majority of the early twentieth century changed from rural into urban citing the change in economy as the main reason behind such change in fiscal policy. ALN noted the mass migration of the rural population into the cities albeit political structures initially favored the rural population that eventually became the minority (94). In time, city dwellers gained stronger political influence and hence had greater say in US government. One point that appears to have been left out in ALN’s discussion is the nature of initiative states and non-initiative states. It can be postulated that initiative states appear to be states with highly urbanized majorities while non-initiative states appear to have highly rural majorities. This is an area that has not been thoroughly explored to explain the fiscal policy gaps between initiative states and non-initiative states. This crucial point could explain why fiscal policy change in non-initiative states are slower or appear to favor the status quo. A conjecture is that the dominant economy of a particular non-initiative state may be less affected by major economic transformations compared with initiative or highly urbanized states, or those with highly developed economies. In another light, ALN seemed to have succeeded in recognizing the following: [a] â€Å"a change in the aggregate economic environment can alter the electorate’s views about the desirability of government programs;† and [b] â€Å"preferences also change as people learn about the consequences of policies;† (90). However, even though economic transformations and externalities have been recognized in the latter, ALN did not offer any economic explanations as to why ‘voters became more conservative’ in the later part of the twentieth century, specifically in favoring and voting for a tax cut. It would have been more reasonable if ALN explored the tie up of voter preferences with economic transformations and externalities rather than simply stating that voters became more conservative in the later part of the twentieth century. The said statement appears to imply that fiscal policy can change on the mere whim of the majority, or a visionary, when in fact policy changes start due to changes in the economy as ALN reasonably observed but insufficiently supported for the tax cut and reduced government spending. On the contrary, ALN successfully tied up the same premise for increased government spending in the early part of the twentieth century. The idea that changes in fiscal policy reflect the changing nature of voter preferences could be more in line with the argument that voter preferences change with a corresponding change in the general economic condition. Economic changes are basically brought about by improvements or innovations in technology that affect how people make or earn their living as ALN correctly observed. It is also noteworthy that policy changes trigger a corresponding effect that could either be positive or negative. Initially, the political intention or cause might be for favoring the majority but due to some unexpected effect, the welfare of the majority becomes compromised. This could explain why some politicians appear to be slow in immediately discerning the preferences of the majority. The arguments here have already shown that favoring the preferences of the majority could in fact have unintended side effects that could eventually disfavor the majority. When the capacity of constituents to make a living becomes threatened or is at risk, it becomes relatively easy to recognize that: when it came to fiscal policy preferences, U.S. constituent mood swings from conservative to liberal or vice-versa actually reflected a major transformation in the U.S. economy. Work Cited Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name, Author’s Middle Name Initial. â€Å"Key Episodes in the Twentieth Century.† Title of Book. Year of Publication. . â€Å"When Legislators Get Out of Step.† Title of Book. Year of Publication.